BRAGGSS information for patients
Please note, recruitment via the BSRBR-RA/BRAGGSS linked route was discontinued on 31/03/2019.

Previously you could be recruited to both the BRAGGSS (Biologics in Rheumatoid Arthritis Genetics and Genomics Study Syndicate) and BSRBR-RA studies at the same time.
Both studies collect data from patients with rheumatoid arthritis starting treatment with a biologic or biosimilar therapy.
The studies have some differences (for example, BRAGGSS collect a blood sample from each participant where the BSRBR-RA does not), but as the information collected for BRAGGSS and BSRBR-RA is very similar, a linked route was set up for patients who are eligible to take part in both studies.
This minimised the amount of paperwork while allowing us to collect the data we need without imposing further on the time of our patients and their consultants and nurses.
How long is data collected for?
Participation in BRAGGSS is for 12 months before follow up is continued by the BSRBR-RA. Before starting their biologic therapy, patients are asked to provide a blood sample and to complete a questionnaire. This continues at three, six and 12 months, after which follow-up is undertaken by the BSRBR-RA alone.
Download the BRAGGSS - BSRBR-RA flowchart‌ (PDF, 201KB).
Read about how we protect your data.
What happens if my treatment changes?
If treatment changes or stops while participating in the BRAGGSS study, patients will be automatically withdrawn from BRAGGSS, but follow-up will continue with BSRBR-RA.
Can I withdraw from these studies?
You can withdraw consent from either or both studies at any time by contacting the relevant offices:
- BRAGGSS - 0161 275 5596
- BSRBR-RA - 0161 275 1652
If you have been withdrawn from BRAGGSS, follow up with BSRBR-RA will continue unless we are otherwise notified.