In-person consent process
Patients must have written, informed consent to participate in the BSRBR-RA. Consenting a participant in-person happens in two stages:

Give participant the study information sheet to read
The patient information sheet (and transparency information sheet) can be handed to the participant during their scheduled clinic visit.
At this stage the study can be explained and the participant given the opportunity to ask any questions they may have regarding taking part.
Obtain consent
If the participant wishes to be involved, the consent form should be signed and dated and two copies taken, one for the participant and one for the patient's NHS notes, with the original being kept for the centre's site file. An electronic copy should be uploaded to the BSRBR-RA online database as part of the registration process. Each box on the consent form should be initialled or ticked to indicate consent.
Full information on all aspects of registering a new participant can be found in the training and help section.